

Overcoming Code Format Disputes

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Superficially, this article is just about coding style “Grabenkämpfe”1. At its core, though, it goes into breaking the circle, understanding your counterpart, being honest about own misconceptions, finding real, constructive middle ground. On a meta-level, we might even take away inspiration for solving everyday life conflicts beyond code style bike-shedding. Dare You Question My Style! A while ago, a colleague of mine challenged my habit to hard-break long lines of prose in Markdown files. Read more …

The Most Natural Branching Model

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This is about an argument I’ve had several times in my professional life as a software developer. To my mind the topic is pretty basic, no rocket science at all1. It’s about branching in version control. And there’s plenty of articles and documentation out there discussing that basic topic and describing best practices.2 So, I won’t make any claim that I could add essential new thoughts to it. But since that discussion keeps popping up every now and then I’ll write down my take on it and some observations and learnings just for later reference. Read more …