Short note on why I’m blogging (and why probably everybody who’s publishing something in any way is doing so): We are all the same. We want recognition. We want our point of view to matter. We want the world to realize we’re smart, cool, special. But we ain’t special. We’re all the same.
Der Gedanke traf mich wie ein Blitz
Das ganze Leben ist nur ein Witz
Und alles, was wir so anstelln, um anders zu sein
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Superficially, this article is just about coding style “Grabenkämpfe”1. At its core, though, it goes into breaking the circle, understanding your counterpart, being honest about own misconceptions, finding real, constructive middle ground. On a meta-level, we might even take away inspiration for solving everyday life conflicts beyond code style bike-shedding.
Dare You Question My Style! A while ago, a colleague of mine challenged my habit to hard-break long lines of prose in Markdown files.
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Spring equinox is here. Mascha Kaléko wrote a wonderful poem: “Nennen wir es: ‘Frühlingslied’”. When I read it for the first time a couple of years ago I immediately heard this melody inside:
Nennen wir es: “Frühlingslied” In das Dunkel dieser alten, kalten
Tage fällt das erste Sonnenlicht.
Und mein dummes Herz blüht auf, als wüsst’ es nicht:
Auch der schönste Frühling kann nicht halten,
was der werdende April verspricht.
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This is about an argument I’ve had several times in my professional life as a software developer. To my mind the topic is pretty basic, no rocket science at all1. It’s about branching in version control. And there’s plenty of articles and documentation out there discussing that basic topic and describing best practices.2 So, I won’t make any claim that I could add essential new thoughts to it. But since that discussion keeps popping up every now and then I’ll write down my take on it and some observations and learnings just for later reference.
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Hello world! As I said before this is my blog. I still intend to fill it with content. And this time I’m playing for keeps. Promise! I’ve prepared a lot to make it the website I like to post on. And in the pipeline I have quite some drafts and topics to be published.
That being said: Happy 2023, everyone!
Here’s my blog. Let me share some thoughts with you. This, of course, is but a placeholder. To prove this I type: lorem⟼
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur.
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